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⏰2023 AI CUP Autumn Competition Schedule⏰

\🔔 Announcement of Clinical Text Deidentification and Temporal Information Normalization Competition Schedule 🔔/


Registration Period 👉🏻 From now until 12/01

Registration Method 👉🏻 AI CUP Registration System & CodaLab Registration


⏰ Registration Schedule ⏰

2023/09/18 00:00:00 ~ 2023/12/01 23:59:59

Open for registration, team formation, and submission of data usage consent form

📚 Part 1 Training Data Download 📚

2023/09/25 12:00:00 ~ 2023/12/01 23:59:59

Download the training set (total of 1,120 articles)

📚 Part 2 Training Data Download 📚

2023/10/13 12:00:00 ~ 2023/12/01 23:59:59

Download additional training data (total of 614 articles)

📚 Validation Set Download 📚

2023/10/27 12:00:00 ~ 2023/12/01 11:59:59

Download the validation set (total of 560 articles)

📚 Competition Test Set Download and Prediction Upload 📚

2023/12/02 12:00:00 ~ 2023/12/03 11:59:59

Download the competition test set (total of 950 articles)

🪧 Results Announcement 🪧

2023/12/04 12:00:00

Announce Private Leaderboard scores

💻 Team Report and Source Code Upload 💻

2023/12/04 12:00:00 ~ 2023/12/11 11:59:59

Upload reports, explanatory documents for prediction models, self-made training datasets, and code

📜 Score Evaluation 📜

2023/12/11 ~ 2024/01/07

📜 Final Rankings Announcement 📜


Announcement of the final competition rankings

🏅 Award Ceremony 🏅

To be announced separately

Don't miss any of the deadlines! Sign up for the competition now 😾❗️


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